Guangzhou R&F Properties Co., Ltd. ("R&F") (SEHK: 2777) 富力地产 was established in 1994 with a registered capital of CNY806 million focused on the design, development, construction, sale, property management and property related services in China and officially licensed to develop high class property developments and provide top rate property design, construction, property management and property related services. Over the years, the company expanded from Guangshou into 20 other cities and areas, like Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Xi'an, Chongqing, Hainan, Taiyuan, Shenyang, Huizhou, Nanjing, Chengdu, Harbin, Datong, Wuxi, Changsha, Meizhou, Fuzhou and Guiyang.

R&F is today regarded as a leading comprehensive property developer in China. On July 14, 2005, R&F made a successful debut listing on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong and subsequently became the first China property developer to be included as a constituent member of the Hang Seng China Properties Index. Since its establishment in 1994, our senior management and team has devoted their attention and level of detail to win the praise and recognition of our customers. As a testament to our commitment and solid foundation, we have been recognized for numerous accolades including ranked as the number 1 in terms of overall strength among all property developers in China for five years consecutively between 2005 and 2009 based on National Statistics Bureau, in 2008 was ranked number 1 amongst “China Top 100 Tax Payers”, and in 2012 became the first amongst a handful of companies to be regarded as an "Enterprise Headquarter Recognized by Guangzhou City". R&F continues to lead the way in gaining recognition in China as a leading China property enterprise.

"Adapting to change and riding the urbanization trend", which has been our guiding policy in recent years, has made our project became a flagship name in each city we have a presence, and further strengthening our R&F brand recognition. At the end of 2017, our total land bank was 51.38 million sq.m. of saleable area. R&F has already achieved RMB 81.86 billion contracted sales, GFA sold is up to around 6.32 million sq.m. We have expanded our scale from Guangzhou to another 68 cities and regions including Beijing and vicinity, Tianjin, Shanghai and vicinity, Hangzhou and vicinity, Xi'an, Chongqing, Hainan, Taiyuan, Shenyang, Huizhou, Nanjing and vicinity, Chengdu, Harbin, Datong, Wuxi, Changsha and vicinity, Meizhou, Fuzhou and vicinity, Guiyang, Nanning, Baotou, Foshan, Zhuhai, Zhengzhou, Shijiazhuang, Shenzhen, Ningbo, Malaysia(Johor Bahru) and Australia(Melbourne and Brisbane). These expansions have driven the size and scope of our business to another level and completed our national wide exposure.

Coupled with China’s economic growth continuing to outpace the rest of the world, the demand for commercial property in China is on the rise as emerging Central Business Districts (CBDs) grow in size in various cities. Our foresight and complimentary strategy to develop 21st Century commercial properties alongside residential properties will be a key to capturing the growing opportunity in commercial property as demand picks up. Within Guangzhou City, specifically in the new CBD within Pearl River New Town, we have very early on laid down the ground work to be able to capture today’s strong market share of commercial property in the region by securing over 10 parcels of land to develop close to 2 million sq.m. of commercial projects; in Beijing, we continue to further increase our commercial expertise and exposure with our Beijing R&F Square as a prime example; in addition, we have established partnerships with world class hotel management companies to manage our expanding multi-star hotel portfolio such as Marriott Group, Hyatt Group, Intercontinental Group, Hilton Group and AccorHotels Group, etc. It is anticipated, that our investment in mixed use developments will unlock inherent value to create a new lease of life in our future direction. R&F announced acquisition of 77 hotels from Wanda Group on July, 2017 and become the largest owner of deluxe hotel assets. At the beginning of Jan, 2018, R&F has 88 completed hotels and 17 hotels in development and planning pipeline. Expansion of our commercial development will not only provide for a stable growth in recurring investment income, but will also raise the bar for commercial development in China’s modernization and development standards.

R&F significance and influence in China’s property sector creates a social responsibility to cater to the community’s needs and expectations. Over the past years, we have made generous contributions and donations of over CNY450 million in areas of education, health, safety, catering for the elderly and aiding poverty in various regions. Spanning extensive years of operating history, not only have we expanded our development portfolio, increased our financing options and developed a systematic management structure, we have accumulated a sizeable land bank in strategic footprints, which we believe, creates a sound foundation to reap the benefits in the coming future.

Staff of R & F Properties Our corporation places emphasis on high standard of selecting and cultivating staff, with more than 3000 senior administrative persons and technical staff and 90 percent of the staff in passion of bachelor degree. Meanwhile, a lot of resources are invested in cultivating staff. The staff is provided with over hundred training courses home and aboard, adapting to the rapid interregional development of our corporation. As the old saying goes, those who have employed talents can extend their enterprises extensively. R & F Properties has become a center of excellent talents gathered and cultivated in the field of real estate.

Advanced System of Staff Management The human resources center of R & F Properties has introduced and completed functional and schedule tests of all modules in E-HR system. The daily operation of human resources is gradually transformed into E-HR system.

Distinctive Mode of Cultivation With the help of colorful corporation activities, R & F Properties has consistently passed on from generation to generation and sublimed the enterprise cultural concept of striving to advance when the corporation gets rich and endeavoring to rise to a higher level of accomplishment. It is helpful to developing staff.

Distinctive Mode of Cultivation The comprehensive training should be enforced, including systematical improvement of the management thinking, concepts, modes an even work values of the senior administrative personnel and helping them to improve management and technical skills.



广州富力地产股份有限公司(以下简称"富力")(香港联合交易所上市编号:2777)成立于1994年,注册资金8.06亿人民币,集房地产设计、开发、工程监理、销售、物业管理、房地产中介等业务为一体,拥有国家建设部颁发的一级开发资质、甲级设计资质、甲级工程监理资质、一级物业管理资质及一级房地产中介资质,是中国综合实力最强的房地产企业之一。 截至2017年底,富力拥有权益土地储备约5,138万平方米。 公司于2005年7月14日在香港联交所主板上市,为首家被纳入恒生中国企业指数的内地房地产企业。自1994年成立以来,富力人倾尽心思与心血,从细节出绩效,赢得了客户的认同与赞赏。实力造就金牌品质,荣誉闪耀品牌辉煌,公司在二零零五年至二零零九年连续五年蝉联国家统计局评选及公布的中国房地产企业综合实力第一名,二零零八年荣获国家税务局计划统计司权威发布的中国纳税百强排行榜房地产行业第一名,二零一二年,富力成为广州市首批认定总部企业,综合实力持续位居国内房地产开发企业排名前列。 2013年年底,集团斥资45亿令吉收购了新加坡正对岸-马来西亚新山一块116英亩的土地,开启了集团海外投资的第一个项目。 2017年全年,富力地产录得权益总销售收入(按照已经签署的销售协议)共约人民币818.6亿元,销售面积达约632万平方米。时至二零一七年底,富力地产的业务已经扩展到了共六十九个城市和地区, 包括广州、北京及周边、天津、上海、杭州及周边、西安、重庆、海南、太原、沈阳及周边、惠州及周边、南京、成都、哈尔滨、大同、无锡、温州及周边、大连、南通、唐山、湖州、滁州、莆田、江门、东营、漳州、阜阳、三明、龙岩、九江、长沙及周边、梅州、福州、贵阳、南宁、佛山、珠海、包头、郑州、石家庄、深圳、宁波、南昌、烟台、秦皇岛、呼和浩特、柔佛新山、墨尔本、布里斯本、仁川和伦敦等,从而令公司的规模更上一层楼。




2017年 业务扩展,上一层楼 富力地产录得权益总销售收入(按照已经签署的销售协议)共约人民币818.6亿元,销售面积达约632万平方米。富力地产的业务已经扩展到了共六十九个城市和地区,从而令公司的规模更上一层楼。

2013年 集团斥资,海外投资 集团斥资45亿令吉收购了新加坡正对岸-马来西亚新山一块116英亩的土地,开启了集团海外投资的第一个项目

2012年 综合实力,排名前列 富力成为广州市首批认定总部企业,综合实力持续位居国内房地产开发企业排名前列。

2010年 ERP启动,战略升级 伴随着房地产粗放管理时代的结束,和市场竞争的加剧,富力地产逐渐转向集团化,精细化的发展道路,从论证、策划、土地取得、开发手续、设计、采购、施工、销售、交付到物业管理所有环节,实行科学规范化管理,节约管理成本。 2011,富力地产开始在全国范围内大力推行ERP(Enterprise Resource Planing,企业资源计划)系统,充分整合地产企业产品、资金、员工、信息等内部资源和客户、供应商、合作伙伴、投资者等外部资源信息,以系统化的管理思想,为企业发展决策提供更详尽、科学依据。

2007年高瞻远瞩,领跑商业 2004年至今,富力地产在珠江新城已拿下16个项目,广州CBD的商业领袖由此诞生。随着广州富力中心、北京富力中心、广州富力盈隆广场、广州富力盈泰广场、广州富力盈信大厦等超甲级写字楼拔地而起,以及北京富力广场、成都天汇MALL、重庆富力美居天下等大型商业综合体的正式运营,富力地产在华南、华北和中部地区的一线城市CBD核心区,重点发展高档写字楼、商业项目及国际顶级酒店,拉开了进军商业地产的序幕。这标志着富力地产已走出有别于其他房地产开发企业的运营模式之路,成为国内商业地产的领跑者。同时,富力地产还与凯悦集团、万豪集团、洲际集团三大国际顶级酒店管理公司合作,共同打造星级酒店旗舰。目前,广州富力丽思·卡尔顿酒店、富力君悦大酒店、北京富力·万丽酒店、富力·快捷假日酒店已落成运营,未来5年,富力地产旗下将有20家五星级酒店在全国各地陆续落成,富力地产的商业王国将更加多元丰富。

2005年赴港上市,创建非凡 2005年,富力地产在香港联合交易所主板正式上市(上市编号:2777),并一举打破多项纪录:首个交易日中,成交量达到617万股,总成交额约6863万港元,市值超200亿港元,成为在香港H股上市集资额最高的中国内地民营企业;2006年5月,上市不到一年时间的富力地产,更成功跻身香港上市公司市值最高的的200家之列,成为首家被纳入恒生中国企业指数、恒生综合指数系列及恒生流通指数系列成份股的内地房地产开发企业。一系列创举,不仅在当时的民营企业界引起了巨大反响,而且在全球范围内吸引了众多投资者的目光;与此同时,随着由富力地产引领的“上市融资-规模扩张”的房企发展模式的兴起,中国房地产业正式步入资本制胜的全新时代,地产企业相继走上规模经营、规范治理的发展之路。

2006年南拓北进,布局全国 非凡的经营理念和稳健的发展步伐,为富力地产大手笔南拓北进、布局全国创造了条件,到2007年,富力地产已全面进入广州、北京、上海、天津、西安、太原、成都、重庆、沈阳、海南、惠州11个核心城市和地区,完成开发面积超过1200万平方米,基本实现全国化战略布局。

2002年进军北京,扩张启航 2002年,进军北京,一举揽下东三环内占地面积超过41万平方米、总建筑面积达150万平方米的旗舰项目——北京富力城,并将其打造成为了北京CBD商务圈集居住、商务、休闲、健身、娱乐、购物为一体的高品质社区,富力地产全国化布局之路自此起航。

1994年立足广州、确定方向 1994年,富力地产正式成立,全面进入房地产开发领域,并确立以“城市改造,建设宜居社区”为发展方向。到2001年末,富力地产已在广州市完成了包括富力新居、富力广场、富力半岛、富力环市西苑、富力千禧花园、富力顺意花园等大型旧厂改造项目,总面积超过250万平方米。一系列“旧城换新貌”的恢弘手笔,一个个宜居社区在城市中心的崛起,见证着富力为推动广州城市化建设作出的巨大贡献,同时也为企业的后续发展打下了坚实基础。

富力地产进军全球 打造新马城市标杆



先进的人才管理体系 富力地产人力资源中心引进并完成了E-HR系统各模组的功能测试和流程测试,日常人力资源工作逐步向E-HR系统流程转变。

独有的人才培养模式 通过举办丰富多彩的内部活动,富力将“富而思进、力创新高”企业文化理念不断进行传承和升华,为富力的人才梯队建设进一步做好辅助工作。

独有的人才培养模式 加强综合培训,对公司中高层管理人员在管理思维、理念、模式,甚至工作价值观方面进行了系统性完善,帮助他们提升管理与专业技能。